Just Another Tuesday

Woke up this morning to bright sunshine, which was rather lacking yesterday. It was already in the 70’s before I got out of bed, and there was barely a cloud in the sky.

Isn’t that how it always seems to work out when you’ve got to go into work though?

Had a nice cooked breakfast consisting of grilled bacon, fried eggs and fried tomatoes that were fresh from the garden.  That was all washed down with a cup of fresh brewed joe.

Got ready and headed into work to start just after one o’clock.

It was quite uneventful except I was late getting a break, and I missed the staff canteen where I had planned on eating this afternoon, as it closes at five o’clock.

I thought this would be a good opportunity to try the new Caribbean store just near the bus garage.

Jerk Chicken & RiceI dropped in to ‘Jerk Vibes’ and after taking a quick look at the menu I decided on some Jerk Chicken and red rice. It cost six pounds and there was a decent amount of it. It was quite tasty, but perhaps the sauce was a bit more like barbecue sauce than it was  authentic jerk.

I will go back there again though, and try some more of the menu.

When I got home Kathy had made chicken and rice, and that was tasty too. It kind of reminded me of chicken bog which is something I really enjoy.  I finished off with some fruit, and called it a night.

Manic Monday

Today it was back up to Cranford Park.

A film is being made detailing what we all do on the River Crane each month.  So late morning Kathy and I walked up to Cranford park and met Rob, Sue and Lindsay.

We walked down to the point on the river when I take the water samples each month and I explained what I did, and how I got involved in the Citizen Crane Project.

I did a mock sample, so that Sue could video it. Then we went to the spot a little further downstream where Lindsay did the same thing – explained what she did, and how and why she got involved.

That all wrapped up we headed back home.
Rump Steak & SaladKathy had a whole bunch of vouchers to use up, so we headed down to another River; the bigger one this time,  the Thames.  To be more precise we went to Cafe Rouge at Strand-On-The-Green.

We had a very nice meal there, and a couple of jugs of delicious Gin St. Clements.

CheersAfter that we walked back to Kew Bridge and to the new Fullers pub just by the bridge itself, One Over The Ait. We were only going to stay for one drink, but, having arrived there about five forty-five, we stayed for four hours! We spend the first couple of hours sitting outside, but as the sun started to sink and it became cooler, we moved inside. We didn’t leave until about quarter to ten.

We were lucky with buses. As we walked outside a 237 bus came along, and when we got to Hounslow Bus Garage we only waited two or three minutes for a 111 to take us on to Cranford.

Once we got home it was pretty much time for bed!

Easy Like Sunday Morning

This Sunday morning is not any Sunday morning. No Sir. It’s THAT Sunday morning. That Sunday once a month when we take a walk into Cranford Park and go take samples from the River Crane.

So this morning we got up at eight, got dressed and went straight to the park. Otherwise, we get up, make bacon and eggs for breakfast and then we sit there feeling full and not wanting to move.

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We did wonder if it would be wet underfoot crossing Avenue Park or muddy and boggy on the path near the river, as Cranford Park is not well-drained in parts. However, it wasn’t either of these things, and we soon got a water sample. We measured the flow of the river, and the depth.

We headed back home, and I got straight into a most important task, that of grinding some beans and making a fresh pot of coffee.

Once that was done, and some relaxing Sunday tunes were fired up from Spotify, then I was able to get on with the next task, that of reporting our findings on the river. The data is collected and we get regular reports on how clean the river is (or not, after any pollution incident).

Next up, I thought, while I’ve got my laptop fired up and on my lap, I’ll got for today’s two hundred and fifty, so here it is!

What’s next of today’s agenda? After I’ve wrapped this up, it’s a trip to Costco to stock up on a few grocery items.

See you tomorrow!