Today Is Better

Yesterday I was quite deflated. I wouldn’t say depressed because that’s a serious illness, but I was definitely suffering from those post-vacation blues.

Aah!We hadn’t even been anywhere, although we’d had a 40th Anniversary celebration the previous weekend for my parents, and then a nice relaxing week.

Sitting here yesterday, I was feeling quite miserable about going back to work.  I don’t really enjoy my current job (which I started almost five years ago, and was only supposed to be a temporary situation).  It wasn’t helped by it being Saturday – what a sucky day to return to work!

Still, I realise that for all its faults (and there are many), that it’s way better than not having a job at all.

So today, I’m off to work for similar hours as today. Then again tomorrow, and then I’ve got two days off, before plunging into a week of 2-10pm shifts for seven days straight.  Still, it could be worse. At least I don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn.