
I am feeling better today. I’m not sure if it was a bug I had or symptoms of the Crohn’s Disease that I am suspected of having.  Lots of visits to the smallest room, and, at times, overwhelming tiredness. I’ve never been one for wanting to take naps during the day, let alone want to crawl into bed mid-afternoon, but thats how I have felt since Monday.

Anyway, enough of that. On a positive side, I’m sitting here writing this in the back yard in the sunshine and it’s gloriously warm too. There’s an abscence of any chilly wind that so often spoils a fair weather day here, even, sometimes, in summer.

The General Election campaign is underway with the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, and other party heads on the stump around the country. I already know how I am voting so I tend to take everything I hear, see or read with a pinch of salt. Not that Im not interested, but whatever any one of the parties says can be boosted or kncked back, depending on one’s viewpoint in the first place.

I don’t feel that the UK is quite as polarized politically as the United States though. We certanly dont throw such obscene amounts  of money at elections as our American cousins do, that’s for sure!

Dinner this evening is going to be quite simple. I’ve roasted some chicken drumsticks, and made a basic salad with lettuce, red onion, celery, peppers, tomatoes, parmesan, and diced bacon. With another glass of this rather delightful South African Chenin Blanc, it should go down a treat.

The First Of May

It’s quite rare that Bank Holiday Monday, or May Day, actually falls on May 1st, but this year it has.

I woke up around eight this morning, and Kathy got up ready for work, and left around nine thirty; she got a lift from Amers, her manager, as she was a little late leaving.

I made some coffee but was feeling quite crappy this morning,  so I had a lie-down again. Did meditation, and thought about going back to sleep but decided I’d get up and try and get into the swing of the day a bit, so here I am typing away at my Mac.

At my Mac

Mind, you, as any geeks knows, working at a computer soon calls for a coffee break…