I’ve actually not missed the booze that much. As I have mentioned before, it’s been mostly on social occasions and not actually missing the booze itself. My coffee consumption has hit the roof though – upwards of six mugs a day!
I came home from an early shift this afternoon around three p.m. and I’m working my way through another pot, whereas I might well have had a glass of beer or wine.
It has been suggested to me that as I’ve quit for a month, I could quit forever. I guess I could, but I do enjoy good beer and wine, and I’d still enjoy it even if it was alcohol free – like with my food, I’m all about the taste.
Checking my calendar, and I’ve a day off on November 1, and I’m working late shift on the second, so I think I might indulge a little. Not going to go crazy though; for one thing I need to work the next day and for another I’m not wanting a hangover in any case.
I’ve got plenty of beer and wine in the house, and there’s always the option of the pub of course.
Just this evening I was thinking how much the WordPress system has come along since its inception in 2003. (Has it really been around THAT long). I guess so, as I started up my first blog about then, and I quickly decided on WordPress. Back then, it was pretty much just blogging software, but it’s matured into a full featured CMS since then.
Now, when it comes to actually writing a blog, I truly have a number of options. I can, of course, blog via the built-in interface of the blog. I can also blog third party software, such as MarsEdit on my Mac; from the iOS WordPress app on my iPhone or iPad; from the WordPress.com site (the option I am using right now). What this means is that I can pretty much blog from anywhere, although I have to admit that for a longer post with plenty of text, I would rather be at a desktop or laptop machine with a regular keyboard than trying to type several hundred words on a phone keyboard, even with Swype style input installed.
Still best for blogging.
I realise that for many people having a personal blog has fallen by the wayside, with the advent of social media. After all, you can interact with friends and family using Facebook, and pretty much everyone know where to find it, and it’s easy to use, even for the dedicated NON-Geeks out there.
Still, I do enjoy blogging on my own site, and I can pretty much input whatever I want without any censorship if I so desire; not that I really output anything particularly controversial. Well, not yet anyway.
I can, and do, link my posts to Social Media, and chances are that you’re reading this having come from Facebook or Twitter. If you have, or even if you haven’t, please consider leaving a comment here before you go. I’ll even reply to you if you wish. Thanks for dropping by, and do come back again soon!