Sober For October

I’ve had comments from some of my Facebook friends that all I seem to do is eat and drink. That’s not really true, it’s just I don’t post up everything I do every day. Mostly, like many people, it’s going to work, and that’s not in the slightest bit interesting, so I don’t post stuff about that!

Anyway, I thought I’d have a go at being sober for October.  The most difficult times will be when I’ve got a day off and go out. That’s when I will tend to go to a pub, both to sample some decent craft beer, and to get something to eat (pubs often give the best value for money when it comes to eating out.

So here we are, October 1.  Let’s give this a go. Perhaps I’ll even lose a few pounds along the way!


A Good Nights Sleep

I mostly sleep badly. I have issues getting to sleep; I have issues staying asleep and I have issues with quality of sleep.

Once in a while though I actually get a good night’s sleep.

Last night was one of those nights and this morning I had that most rare of personal experiences.

I woke up feeling refreshed!

Have a great day!

Thoughts on Sleeping

I don’t go to sleep easily. I have an overactive mind. Sometimes I’m not even particularly worried about anything. Then my brain will find something to keep me awake.

I’ll start thinking about deceased people who I loved and miss. Yes that’s a fact, but do I need it in the forefront of my mind in the small hours?

Trying To SleepIf I’m worried about something, then although I might have given it little more than a passing thought during the previous day, suddenly at 3am it’s worrying me stupid and keeping me wide awake.

Right now though, at the time of writing, it’s just after 5pm. I’m enjoying a day off. My time is my own, and it’s a great time to relax. I’ve no need to sleep at this time of day.

This has led me to wonder how our ancestors dealt with sleep. After all, most of us have a warm cozy bed to sleep in, and we’re safe. How did the cave dweller get a decent nights sleep, when they were always on the alert for possible attacks from wild animals?  Moving on down the ages perhaps, they were still worrying about their own domesticated animals getting attacked.

How did our prehistoric cousins get a good nights sleep? I promise I’ll try not to dwell on this tonight at 3am.