Personal Productivity Month

The idea came about as I realised I had sat St my computer for a couple of hours, and not really achieved much at all.

Two hours wasted? Well perhaps it was relaxing, but I hadn’t performed the tasks I had sat down to do.

So I decided that I would, in September, make myself more accountable – to myself.

Then I decided to take this further. Add a bit more self discipline.

So there are three more goals.

Financial. Spend less. See how much I can save by buying less coffee downtown, and drinking more at home. Home brewed is way less expensive, and better quality anyway!

Not just coffee though. Look at all those unnecessary purchases. I might surprise myself, with an end of month budget surplus.

Exercise. Make more use of my gym membership. I’m posing for it, whether I go or not. If time is limited, do v some exercise at home. I have a Wii Fit, some weights and an exercise mat.

Nutrition. Tying in with spending less, watch the food intake more closely. Save money and lose more weight!

Watch this space. I’ll be  reporting back.


Basil ChickenI am really trying to make an effort. It worked before, so it can again. Hounslow is like any town; awash with junk food outlets. It’s always easier to find and choose unhealthy options when it comes to eating, but really without too much trouble one can choose more wisely.

For example, I was downing my coffee in Starbucks (no sugar or cream, just skimmed milk), and I felt like munching on something. So easy to grab fried chicken, or something similar with fries. In fact, there’s MORE options with fries on the menu in the UK than I found in the US. Seriously.

For example, I could go to the take out lunch counter in Piggly WIggly and get, for example, meatloaf, green beans and mashed potatoes. I can’t readily find that in my local high street in the UK.

Anyway, instead of junk food, I ventured into Marks & Spencer. For less than the price of a fast food meal, I got a suprisingly tasty and filling basil chicken pasta salad.  360 calories, including the dressing,  which is about the same as a regular cheeseburger on its own, and come on, who eats just one small regular cheeseburger?

Weight Loss & Fitness

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALittle and often is what I’ve read all over the place. Certainly when you start, and also when you’re not in your teens or twenties any more. (In my head I’m permanently about 25, but sometimes my body tells me otherwise ).

Anyway, I’m making an effort to eat less, and to eat more healthy options more of the time. Also, we’ve got a Wii, along with the Wii Fit Plus software and balance board, and we’re using it every day, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

So far,  this time around I’ve lost about 6lb, so there’s a long way to go, but I know it’s not going to happen overnight, and time and patience, and perseverance are all in play here!