Aches, Pains & Insomnia

I’ve got some bug which had left me feeling crappy all day, I’ve gone to bed early, taken some paracetamol and tried to settle down. Trying To SleepThing is, I can’t get comfortable  whichever way I turn, and I’m lying here wide awake at two forty  in the morning!

Actually  I don’t feel awake, but  sleep won’t make an appearance, so  I’m writing this instead. Don’t  just lie there in the dark. Do something to make you sleepy they say. So here I am.

Sober October Rolls Along

It’s the 23rd of the month, and it’s still a sober one on my part.

Yesterday we went out, with Bobby and Fatima, for Sunday lunch at Jackson & Rye in Richmond. We ordered food, and usually I’d have had something alcoholic; probably an old-fashioned to start, and a beer with the meal, but I opted for a coffee, and then an iced tea instead.

Riverside Walk After we’d eaten we walked from Richmond to Teddington, along the riverside. It’s a walk of two or three miles, and it feels like you’re really out in the countryside at times!

We took a brief rest at this bench, and took the photograph above, and then walked into Teddington, passing several pubs. We ended up in Starbucks, where I opted for a Venti Cappuccino.

Bobby and Fatima went off to Hounslow, and then we headed home, via a 285 bus to Harlington Corner, and then a 111 for the last leg home.

Today, I’ve another day off. Apart from a quick trip to the local pharmacy this morning, and a pit stop in Tesco, I’ve spent the day indoors catching up on a few computer tasks.

Friday The 13th

I don’t believe in any of that superstitious claptrap.

Anyway, I think it was rather a good day.

My work day was quiet and non-eventful, and now I have the whole weekend off, which is always welcome.

Kathy has been unwell all week, but she is now beginning to get better, although she still feels rather weak.

SelfieAlso, I’m still going good on the Sober for October thing. That’s 13 days now with no alcohol. It’s not so much I miss it, because I don’t really.  It’s when I get time off, and go out, and I think about swinging by a pub or bar or taproom to try out some new brews (or enjoy a few that I’ve had before.

As I’ve also given up wheat I seem to be  having success with that too.  My Crohn’s disease symptoms have all but disappeared!

So we’re almost a half way through the month. Lets see what completing this exercise will bring by the beginning of November!