Bank Holiday Monday

Silly Me, I forgot why the weather is so dodgy today. It’s Bank Holiday, and it wouldn’t be a Bank Holiday without it raining!

It’s a shame because it’s not cold, but I’ve ducked and dived in and out of the house to the patio and back more than once this afternoon. 

As you can see the sky looks quite threatening. OK, it’s started raining again, but this time I have put the umbrella up. I do enjoy sitting outside in the fresh air, particularly when the air is still. There are not many airplanes flying over right now either. People often ask how we deal with living so near to the airport, but to be honest we barely notice planes going over unless we’re sitting outside.

Anyway, right now, I can enjoy the sounds of the birds singing, while I do some writing and enjoy an Old Crafty Hen. No, that’s not a reference to my dear wife, but the beer that I am currently imbibing.

To my American friends and family, I would like to wish you a most enjoyable Memorial Day, and I hope you find time to think about the true meaning of this day while you are enjoying your day off (if indeed, you’re lucky enough to have the day off!).

Darn Weather

Having got home after brunch and coffee, and finding it quite muggy indoors (we don’t have a/c here, my American family & friends), I thought I’d go sit outside on the patio.

Catching up with podcasts, I’ve gotten behind with Mac Power Users and I find it very useful and interesting too.
Now Ive gotten settled outside with my iPad, iPhone and headphones, it’s started spitting. Darn typical. Let’s hope it goes away, but the forecast doesn’t look promising. Yep here comes the rain again. Grrr.


I am feeling better today. I’m not sure if it was a bug I had or symptoms of the Crohn’s Disease that I am suspected of having.  Lots of visits to the smallest room, and, at times, overwhelming tiredness. I’ve never been one for wanting to take naps during the day, let alone want to crawl into bed mid-afternoon, but thats how I have felt since Monday.

Anyway, enough of that. On a positive side, I’m sitting here writing this in the back yard in the sunshine and it’s gloriously warm too. There’s an abscence of any chilly wind that so often spoils a fair weather day here, even, sometimes, in summer.

The General Election campaign is underway with the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, and other party heads on the stump around the country. I already know how I am voting so I tend to take everything I hear, see or read with a pinch of salt. Not that Im not interested, but whatever any one of the parties says can be boosted or kncked back, depending on one’s viewpoint in the first place.

I don’t feel that the UK is quite as polarized politically as the United States though. We certanly dont throw such obscene amounts  of money at elections as our American cousins do, that’s for sure!

Dinner this evening is going to be quite simple. I’ve roasted some chicken drumsticks, and made a basic salad with lettuce, red onion, celery, peppers, tomatoes, parmesan, and diced bacon. With another glass of this rather delightful South African Chenin Blanc, it should go down a treat.