It’s Almost Tomorrow 

Just before midnight. I fess up. I almost forgot to write a blog this evening. After getting home just before nine,  I had a quick freshen up, and then continued  with yet another salad day!

Having had bacon and eggs for breakfast (but nothing else!), I decided to continue with the healthier eating.

I had a mozzarella and bean salad for lunch, and a banana  and peach for good measure. Had one coffee, but otherwise I drank water all day.

​This evening I had some roast chicken thighs and some more of Kathy’s  home made cucumber  salad. We were still peckish after that so we had some tuna and crackers to finish. I treated myself to one small beer, but that was my only indulgence for the day. 

So this is how I almost forgot this post! 

After the food I sat with Kathy watching some of the Olympics and then we changed channels, and watched some of the darts from the World Series in Sydney. We caught the tail end of a match that Peter Wright was playing in, and then went on to watch Phil Taylor play a really great game, and win ten games to go through to the semi finals.

Switched back to the Olympics to watch England get a Gold medal in the showjumping, and then we called it a night, and that is when I remembered.


Another Quarter Of A Thousand

Today, I made a false start.  I started my two hundred and fifty words during my lunch break.  I only got one sentence done, so now I’m starting over.

I don’t have any self-imposed rules about when I write. I could do just over ten words an hour to meet my daily goal, at any time of day.

It’s been another muggy day, but the weather is supposed to be about ten degrees or so cooler tomorrow. There are rain showers forecast in the afternoon too.

Kathy is still wrapped up in the Olympics. I really don’t get time to watch it, even if I wanted to, as I go out around ten a.m to work and don’t get home until almost nine p.m.

Bad Hair DayBy the time I’ve had dinner, and read emails, and written a blog post such as this, I’m starting to think about going to bed again!

It’s certainly been a big salad week.  I did have a Double Sausage Egg McMuffin this morning, as I was really tight on time, but for mu lunch I had a chicken salad, without dressing, and this evening another salad with some left over gammon. Both were very tasty, and it’s all good – a lot fewer calories, which means it didn’t hurt to have a small glass of red wine to wash it down with this evening when I got home.

I’m almost done with my two fifty today, but tomorrow is another day of course, and this one is winding down. Good night!


Day 4 of the 250 words

Today was another warm one. I’m writing this a little earlier this evening, on my old laptop, which is running Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

Kathy has watched the Olympics again today, but she’s back to work tomorrow, so I guess she’ll get some withdrawal symptoms with that!

Right now, she is watching some show with some guy who talks to those beyond the grave. I really don’t believe in this kind of stuff. I think it’s a clever con trick.

Bean SaladIt’s been a salad day today, and plenty of fish too.   I had a salmon and cucumber sandwich for lunch, and had a cheese and bean salad with that too.  When I got home, I had some cold ham with a cucumber salad, some cos lettuce – an unusual purple variety too – and coleslaw. After that we finished off with some tuna and crackers which I like to spice up a bit with a few drops of Tabasco.

Now, I have to fast for the next twelve hours as I’ve got blood work at the doctors tomorrow morning, and this requires an overnight fast. Good thing it’s only twelve hours, but I’ve got to head off to work right after this, so I won’t even get  late breakfast, but more like have to wait until I get a break around 2.30pm.

I guess I won’t fade away, and a little fasting doesn’t do any harm, but it’s not something I’d want to do regularly!

It’s that time again, so I’ll bid you all a very good night!