The Third 250

So here we are. The third day of my two hundred and fifty daily blog posts.

It’s been another warm day today; in fact I thought it was rather muggy at times this afternoon. Temperatures weren’t excessive, only into the mid seventies. Fahrenheit of course. I’ve never adopted that continental Celsius nonsense here. I grew up with Gabriel’s scale, and I see no reason to change it now, not as I find it so personally relate-able in any case.

Aah!I seem  to be fine all day, but in the evenings once I get home, I keep getting an itching attack. I know it’s because I sat out in the sun for too long last weekend. I really should know better, but I do like to make the most of the weather here, as one never knows how long it will last. Not unknown to got from sunny to wet and windy with a twenty degree temperature drop in under twenty-four hours. Heck, I’ve known that to happen in the same afternoon, let alone the next one!

This week I usually retire to bed around ten o’clock but this evening find me still sitting downstairs with my wife as she watches the Olympics.  I lose track a bit as she keeps changing the channels around to watch different events. In this house, she is the one that has the remote control for the television, not I.

Having said all that, I think I’ll call this post a wrap and bid you all a very good night!

Another 250

This evening I’m writing quite late. It’s after ten thirty and I am in bed with my iPad. It’s been another warm sunny day with the temperature reaching into the high seventies this afternoon.

Right now, my bedside thermometer tells me that it’s 78 degrees in here, although of course it’s cooler now outside as it’s after dark, and the temperature almost always drops away by several degrees when the sun goes down.

The router decided  to act up today while I was at work. It seems that the on/off switch on longer wants to latch in, so Kathy did a temporary fix by taping it down. So far, so good.

I’ve got the bedroom fan running again while I write, and it will probably stay on all night to render it cool enough to sleep comfortably. 

How long will I keep up the two hundred and fifty daily words? I only just remembered this evening after I got into bed. 

Kathy is still up as she’s watching the Olympics on the TV. She is watching it live for a while, having caught up with the previous days games that were on the Tivo.200

Rio being a few hours behind London means that a lot of the games are broadcast in the wee small hours, and it’s usually too much of a struggle to stay up until three or four in the morning, particularly if there’s work to go to that day. 

Anyway, I have about reached my daily target now, and I can hear Kathy getting ready to come to bed. I bid you all goodnight.

250 Words

I keep telling myself I’ll  become more focused, more self disciplined and tackle some self-improvement. One of the ways that I feel I could do this, is by writing more. I’m not too good at keeping a diary, even though I start out with the best intentions.

So, to this end, I’ve set myself a goal of writing two hundred and fifty words a day. I’ve also decided to tackle more brain games, indulge  in a little meditation, and even try and walk ten thousand steps. 

Now, I’m ‘typing’ this on my iPad right now. Yes, I deliberately enclosed typing in quotes, as you can’t really type on a tablet; certainly not on a mini one!

I’m not sure, not at all sure, how I’m going to find the time to do all this stuff, particularly with doing nine or ten hour shifts at work most days either.

Aside from the time required, there comes the age old problem of what the heck to write about. I don’t want to bore everyone with politics, although I’m sure I will feel moved at times to write about the state of play in either the United Kingdom or the United States or both.

I’m not a big fan of any particular sport, so I’m not at all qualified to promote an opinion there. I’m rather into social media, geeky stuff, and tech in general so that’s probably where most of my scribbled diatribe will be based around. 

We shall see. I might even get more readers. Time will tell.