Flying By

I could be talking about aircraft as I live next to a major airport, but no, I am talking about the speed that this year is exhibiting! We’ll be into March in another week.

Notepad & Coffee
Notepad & Coffee

I’ve been keeping a journal each day, like I did last year, but again I’m a bit naughty at times. I get busy and/or tired and forget to update it on a daily basis. Then I play catch up for a few days or even a week. That’s not really the best way to journal I know, but at least I maintain it fairly well. My main reason for journaling isn’t really for any meditation or mindfulness purposes but merely to record what I’ve been up to. it can be quite interesting (at least for me), to look back over previous years and see what I’ve been up to.

At work we’ve been back and forth over pay talks. Right now, inflation is at a 30 year high. CPI is currently at 5.2% and RPI is at 7.5%. Our current offer is only 3.1%. The company is pleading poverty (as always) but however it’s dressed up, it’s a pay cut in real terms. We have another ballot this coming Friday, so let’s see what the members want and take it from there.

I’ve recently been raised to the third degree at my Masonic Lodge which opens up a lot of new avenues for me. I’m taking the advice of some longer-term brothers though, and taking things easy, no need to rush headlong into things and regret it later. It’s quite a busy time though with a meeting at another location coming up next week and another next month. A curry night is also planned and there’s a dinner and dance in May which my wife and I will attend.

Back to the work front and there’s union elections at the end of next week. These come up every three years, and I’m hoping to retain my position as the workplace representative. I enjoy the challenge for the most part and am keen to continue.

My wife and I are still going long with the Intermittent Fasting. It does stop us eating and drinking all evening as we start fasting right after our evening meal which is normally done by 7pm.

This evening though, we’re both quite weary for some reason, so we’re planning an early night. Let’s hope I can stay asleep all night, but that’s another story!

Slightly Down

I am one of those people that gets post-holiday, post-vacation blues. It’s not crippling or anything, but I always feel a bit deflated at this time. Christmas has gone, New Year celebrations have passed and with my birthday right after that, as a kid, I was pretty sad that there was nothing else to focus on until Easter. These days, I’ve long passed the thrill of endless chocolates in springtime, though.

I guess it would be worse if I were one of those that get a lengthy holiday break. I get Christmas Day off, but I’m often right back into it, straight after. This past Christmas, I was back to work on Boxing day, for example.

It’s a sobering time in more ways than one, though. Back to the grind, focusing on getting things sorted for the coming months and a break from the beers, wines and spirits. I don’t mainly do Dry January, as I didn’t drink that much over the holiday anyway, but it’s always a good idea to take a break from the hard stuff.

That gets me onto one of my ongoing challenges. I want to lose weight. Not just a couple of pounds that I gained over Christmas. I didn’t gain any weight. I do want to make a serious effort to lose about 80lbs by the end of the summer, though. Eating more healthy food is the easy bit. We mostly cook at home during the workweek, rarely eat fast food, and practice Intermittent Fasting.

Fasting Time
Intermittent fasting concept with clock, white plate, fork and knife on blue table

We don’t do anything that is not sustainable. I am well aware of the yo-yo dieting effect that curses many, so anything we do (as Kathy, my wife, is on board with this too) has to be something we can keep doing in the long term. The IF has benefits for sure. We no longer mindlessly much in the evenings. Once dinner is eaten, usually around seven, that’s eating done until the following day. No snacks, no mid-evening sandwiches, no alcohol either. Just water or green or herbal tea.

For us, the hardest part is exercise. I tend to be up early most mornings, and so by early evening, I am pretty tired and soon ready for bed, not walking or workouts. Still, we’re going to make an effort to take post-dinner expeditions around the neighbourhood.

For now, though, I’m going to conclude this post and get back to my early morning pre-breakfast (literally as we fast until at least 9 am) black coffee.

Birthday Surprise

Kathy asked me for a shortlist of places I would like to go for my birthday lunch. As I know the area well, and would quickly guess where we were going, she blindfolded me and made me wear headphones, so I couldn’t hear or see anything on the way.

Hoodwinked Cab Ride

I was taken to The Jolly Coopers at Hampton, to eat at their Squiffy’s Restaurant. Also there were Dennis and Tim. We had a really pleasant afternoon and some good food and beer.

At Squiffy's
At Squiffy’s, Hampton.

After we left there we walked up Station Road. As the bus wasn’t due for another ten minutes Kathy and I dropped into The World’s End. It seems to have been taken over by Greene King though, as all they had on cask was Abbot Ale and London Glory (which I’ve never heard of). I had a quick pint of Abbot and we left, walked across the street and took the 111 to the Queen’s Head for a couple more beers to finish off the day.

Ian At the Queen's Head
Yours Truly At The Queen’s Head

We didn’t stay late as we had both had enough to eat and drink and in any case I had to get up early the next morning to go back to the grind.