
Recently I read a story about a mother who is planning to move her daughter from her current school.


Because the mother doesn’t like the school rules, and instead of quietly making her views known to the school, and then abiding by them, she decides she doesn’t want her daughter there anymore. What a wonderful example this parent gives to her child.

What’s the issue?

The daughter has a nose stud, and the school has said it’s against their rules, mostly on health and safety grounds. They’ve even offered to pay for this child to have the nose stud replaced during the summer break, which I find incredulous. Particularly in these times of austerity, shouldn’t every single penny that a school receives be going into education?

No wonder we’re producing so many louts these days. Kids only have to look to their own parents for examples of how to stamp their feet and get their own way.

It’s a sad world sometimes.

Spring Is In The Air

TomatoesYes! It seems to be at last.  It’s been a long time coming this year in England, with the coldest Easter on record since the long long winter of ’62, which I just remember as a very small boy.

Much as I wonder on the wisdom and usefulness of Daylight Savings Time (which was started by the Germans in Word War One), I do enjoy the evenings being longer lighter, particularly when I am not working a late shift.

It’ll soon be time to fire up the grill in the back yard in the evenings, and enjoy some home-cooked deliciousness that only grilling seems to bring.

Thoughts too, of bringing some order to at least some of the garden has me reading about planting some vegetables this summer. Some runner beans and some tomatoes at least I think.

Let’s hope the worst of the chilliest weather is past, and fingers crossed there’s no more frost, but you never know in this part of the world!



Basil ChickenI am really trying to make an effort. It worked before, so it can again. Hounslow is like any town; awash with junk food outlets. It’s always easier to find and choose unhealthy options when it comes to eating, but really without too much trouble one can choose more wisely.

For example, I was downing my coffee in Starbucks (no sugar or cream, just skimmed milk), and I felt like munching on something. So easy to grab fried chicken, or something similar with fries. In fact, there’s MORE options with fries on the menu in the UK than I found in the US. Seriously.

For example, I could go to the take out lunch counter in Piggly WIggly and get, for example, meatloaf, green beans and mashed potatoes. I can’t readily find that in my local high street in the UK.

Anyway, instead of junk food, I ventured into Marks & Spencer. For less than the price of a fast food meal, I got a suprisingly tasty and filling basil chicken pasta salad.  360 calories, including the dressing,  which is about the same as a regular cheeseburger on its own, and come on, who eats just one small regular cheeseburger?