Weight Loss & Fitness

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALittle and often is what I’ve read all over the place. Certainly when you start, and also when you’re not in your teens or twenties any more. (In my head I’m permanently about 25, but sometimes my body tells me otherwise ).

Anyway, I’m making an effort to eat less, and to eat more healthy options more of the time. Also, we’ve got a Wii, along with the Wii Fit Plus software and balance board, and we’re using it every day, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

So far,  this time around I’ve lost about 6lb, so there’s a long way to go, but I know it’s not going to happen overnight, and time and patience, and perseverance are all in play here!


Hump Day


It’s  halfway thru a week of long days for me.


A split or spreadover shift. 8 thru 8. I get almost a three hour break in the middle though, and right now I’m taking advantage of this break time and sitting in Starbucks writing this.


A lot of my colleagues don’t like these shifts,  because it’s a long day,  but it’s almost eleven hours pay a day,  I don’t have to get up at stupid o’clock,  and I have the weekend off.

If I wish I can get things done around town,  or just relax with a coffee,  go shopping,  or catch up on some Web work or social media,  or read one of the many books in my ever-growing list!

I get to eat around 8.30pm, which is a little late,  but at least not right before bedtime.  When my wife is working,  we both get up around the same time.

I’m not complaining!