New Year’s Day 2019

Not a good night’s sleep. After getting to sleep around 2am I kept walking up with a headache. It’s not booze as I had one G&T around 10.30 last night and that was it.

There’s been a bug going around so it could be that. Anyway, I decided that is probably be better getting up and going to the gym so I did.

Anytime Fitness, Hounslow

After my workout I met Kathy in Costa

Cappuccino, Costa

Then we checked out Mam’s Cuisine, which is right next door. I had a vegetarian sandwich, and Kathy had Chicken Thali.

Bought some chicken breast on the way home, and I marinated that when we got indoors.  Kathy cooked that and we had a salad with it.  Afterwards, Christmas pudding and double cream.

A Sam Adams Boston Lager to wash it down.