Today Is Better

Yesterday I was quite deflated. I wouldn’t say depressed because that’s a serious illness, but I was definitely suffering from those post-vacation blues.

Aah!We hadn’t even been anywhere, although we’d had a 40th Anniversary celebration the previous weekend for my parents, and then a nice relaxing week.

Sitting here yesterday, I was feeling quite miserable about going back to work.  I don’t really enjoy my current job (which I started almost five years ago, and was only supposed to be a temporary situation).  It wasn’t helped by it being Saturday – what a sucky day to return to work!

Still, I realise that for all its faults (and there are many), that it’s way better than not having a job at all.

So today, I’m off to work for similar hours as today. Then again tomorrow, and then I’ve got two days off, before plunging into a week of 2-10pm shifts for seven days straight.  Still, it could be worse. At least I don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn.






Back To The Grind

Cappuccino Back to work today after a three day sick break. I don’t which was most annoying. Losing three days paid work or suffering the bug itself. I’m still feeling that I have a distinct lack of energy but it can only get better I’m sure.

It’s a long day today; almost twelve hours. Still I’m enjoying this three hour break in the middle of that right now and wring this with the help of a large cappuccino with an extra shot of espresso in.

Will it keep me awake?  Well, I’m not prone to falling asleep during  the day, what ever I’m doing, but I’ll be glad to get done and get home this evening

Hump Day


It’s  halfway thru a week of long days for me.


A split or spreadover shift. 8 thru 8. I get almost a three hour break in the middle though, and right now I’m taking advantage of this break time and sitting in Starbucks writing this.


A lot of my colleagues don’t like these shifts,  because it’s a long day,  but it’s almost eleven hours pay a day,  I don’t have to get up at stupid o’clock,  and I have the weekend off.

If I wish I can get things done around town,  or just relax with a coffee,  go shopping,  or catch up on some Web work or social media,  or read one of the many books in my ever-growing list!

I get to eat around 8.30pm, which is a little late,  but at least not right before bedtime.  When my wife is working,  we both get up around the same time.

I’m not complaining!