Thrown Off Course

Been a bit thrown off course this year already! Planning to get leaner and fitter by the summer time, and stay that way. To that end I’ve joined a local gym, and signed up for a new eating plan. Yes it’s an eating plan, and not some fad diet.

I’ve been thrown off course by this flu bug that’s laid me low for a week. I’ve not been out of the house for six days, let alone to the gym. I have stuck to the eating plan, although this has been easier as I haven’t felt like eating huge amounts and certainly not wanted anything alcoholic.

I do feel down though, that I haven’t been able to get to the gym and do a few workouts. Anyway, I’m not going to give up on it. I’m getting back to work next week, back to the gym and staying on target with the eating.

What’s the eating plan? It’s called Noom. As mentioned above it’s not a fad diet. Rather it’s a way of eating more sensibly. I can still eat everything I like, but some food items just need to be consumed in strict moderation.

I am trying to eat better, and not so much less. For example, last night I had pork and broccoli with baked potato, instead of roasted or sautéed.

This morning I had avocado on toast. It was tasty actually.

Avocado On Toast
Avocado On Toast

It’s certainly better for my waistline than bacon, fried eggs and hash browns, but there’s nothing to stop me eating those too, just less often!

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