Keeping A Journal

Do you keep a journal? Why? I do. Why? Because I like to make a note of things that I’ve been doing so I can look back on it in years to come. Also, after my demise, there will be a little history for my descendants to read. Perhaps they’ll even find it slightly interesting in a couple of hundred years or so.

Journalling with coffee

In the past, we’ve really only been able to read rich people’s history. Way back, only the well=to=do had any kind of formal education and learned to read and write. The peasants relied on what they were told and they had no way of checking if they were being told the truth or not. Nowadays. there’s so much information out there that it’s still difficult to know whether we’re being told the truth or simply someone’s biased opinion.

We all see, and perhaps report, events in front of our eyes in different ways. We all have, often unconscious, bias. Some is passed down by our parents; some is developed from our own life experiences.

One of the problems in this day and age of having a free-for-all public stage in the guise of social media is that most of us shout from it, but few listen to it. We also tend to only consume media (of all kinds) from sources that we feel aligns with our own bias or ideology, instead of exploring and listening to what the ‘other side’ is saying and/or doing.

Anyway, getting back to my journal. I don’t really make many opinionated comments. I simply record what I’ve done that day. Right now, I’m going to get myself another mug of coffee.

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